Monday, March 1, 2010


so- first i would like to dedicate this blog to the one person who may read it, DJ Benny B. DJ Benny B, one of my number one supporters, suggested I start a blog about fashion, etc- something positive for my life and career. Personally - i think he was just getting worried that i would be sucked into the scary world of chatroulette and waste all my nights away on 19 year old boys telling me how young i look. or maybe he was just sick of all my belly aching and thought writing about it would save him from the lengthy phone calls. whatever the reason, thank you. thank you for making me write again- it's been a long time. and typing about it is so much more 2010 than another composition notebook. and here is living proof- i do take your advice sometimes...

second- to Debra... since it is still technically march 1st on the west coast. congratulations on the new place! this was the inspiration for the blog name. i am so excited for you in your new apartment and new hood- but mott street will never be the same. we had an amazing run and that block will forever hold a spot in my heart. at least i know with all the overpriced boutiques changing every other day and the growing number of tourists who happen upon it- some things will never change. the church will always be on the corner of prince and in the fall the leaves will always cover that sidewalk... and most importantly- i will always love it. 284 mott street- i know it's kind of like the dorm of nolita- but a perfect example of a dream come true...

for those who don't know- i used to walk that area a lot in the late 90's... shorty was working at henry lehr, we would grab a sandwich at lite delights, and every time i walked by that building i said, 'one day- i'm going to live there.' not the loftiest of goals- but it happened... i need to remind myself of this from time to time... a wise woman once said, "Make it happen". that was mariah carey. don't worry- i won't quote her again...

so- i cant make any promises, because breaking them would just be bad. i will try to write things someone else may give a half a shit about- or at least find entertaining. i will try my best to keep it more on the positive side and share the things i like or that inspire me- but lets face it, if i cant throw in some negativity, it just wouldn't be me... x

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